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Rehab Blog

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

In the Closet about Addiction and Sexuality

Every lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) person faces the decision to reveal or not reveal his or her sexual orientation and identity. Every LGBT person must fully understand him or herself, learn how to adapt to life and defeat prejudice and misunderstanding. Coming out of the closet takes guts. The brave men and women who embrace their identity are usually happier and more comfortable, but it takes time to get there.

Many people turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with the difficult emotions and family strain of an LGBT identity. It can be tempting to self-medicate the stressful emotions, depression, and anxiety that any brave life action requires. If you are in the closet, hiding your addiction and your sexuality, you can only find wellness through a reputable and licensed treatment program.

Integrated Rehabilitation

There are specialty addictions programs available that offer integrated services that will do the following:

  • Allow you to be yourself
  • Encourage your individuality
  • Offer guidance and support as you come out to live a free life

Integrated rehab programs combine the best in mental health care and targeted addiction treatment. Specialty LGBT integrated treatment programs understand that your sexuality is not a mental illness. You can be comfortable in your own skin without drugs or alcohol.

Integrated treatment can help heal the wounds from the following and more:

  • Bullying
  • Family conflict
  • Depression

  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Trauma

Because integrated works to treat both emotional conflicts and addiction under one roof, you can heal more completely and achieve sobriety with a treatment team that works with you the entire time.

Complicated Emotions

It is a rare family or social network that completely accepts each person for who they are. Every person must make a decision in life about “coming out of the closet” about something. Some people must decide whether or not to share their issues with depression. Others may decide whether or not to share issues related to an illness, a financial situation, a family problem or success in career or school. We all carry secrets throughout life.

There are qualified and experienced mental health counselors who study, understand and have also experienced the complicated emotions related to coming out.

Help for Addiction

We offer a toll-free helpline that is designed to help each caller find supportive treatment, counseling or mental health care as needed. Our experienced recovery counselors dedicate their careers to helping people find licensed, reputable and proven treatment.

We can help you find family counseling, rehab care, detox services, mental health support, LGBT support and more. We are here 24 hours a day, so please call 760.548.4032 now to find out how we can help you.