Michael’s House has provided hope and healing to those struggling with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health issues for over thirty years. We offer residential, outpatient, and transitional living treatment in beautiful Palm Springs, California. What many don’t realize until they are with us is that nutrition is an integral part of addiction treatment and recovery. A nutrition therapy program in Palm Springs offers California residents, or their loved ones hope in breaking the cycle of addiction.
Almost everyone understands that the body, health, and nutrition are linked, but the mind is also affected by our nutritional inputs and sleep. A nutritional therapy program helps support the body and brain by providing the nutrients critical to physical and mental health.
If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use or co-occurring mental health disorders, consider enrolling in our addiction therapy programs. Our compassionate and experienced treatment professionals can help you to develop the foundation you need for long-term recovery. Contact us today at 760.548.4032 to learn more.
What Is a Nutritional Therapy Program?
At Michael’s House, our nutrition therapy program is tailored specifically for each individual, taking into account their needs and desires. Our nutrition experts have developed a system of nutritional therapy that includes therapeutic diets, meal plans, and education programs that provide the body with the energy it needs to heal. We are committed to total healing of mind, body, and spirit, and proper nutrition improves the chances of having the best possible outcomes.
What Are the Benefits of a Nutritional Therapy Program in Palm Springs, CA?
There are many benefits to receiving proper nutrition while undergoing treatment for addiction or co-occurring mental health disorders. Some of the most prevalent are:
Reduce Cravings
Many people caught in the cycle of addiction are not eating well, and their bodies are depleted. In some cases, they have begun to crave drugs or alcohol over food, which obviously can only lead to severe health consequences. A nutritional therapy program provides a person with the right balance of vitamins and nutrients for a healthy mind and body. This can reduce cravings as the body is fortified by proper nutrition.
Increase Energy and Mental Clarity
When a person is struggling with an addiction, it can be difficult to get out of bed, much less find the energy and focus to carry out necessary daily tasks. Proper nutrition provides the body with the fuel it needs to function and can help a person feel more energetic and alert. This, in turn, can make it easier to focus on and complete treatment goals.
Improve Sleep Patterns
The cycle of addiction and substance use disorders often takes a heavy toll on the body, which can include sleep problems. Nutritional therapy can not only help to reduce cravings, but it can also improve sleep patterns by ensuring that the body is getting the rest and relaxation it needs.
Promote Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails
When a person has not been eating well or is struggling with an addiction, it can be difficult for the body to maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. Nutritional therapy can help to reverse this, promoting healthy-looking skin, hair, and nails that reflect the overall state of health in the body.
Reach Out to Michael's House for Nutrition Therapy for Addiction
If you are struggling with addiction or co-occurring mental health disorders, consider enrolling in our nutrition therapy program at Michael’s House in Palm Springs, CA. Our caring and compassionate treatment professionals have helped many people find healing and a renewed purpose in recovery. Contact us today at 760.548.4032 to learn more, or contact us online.