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Painkiller Addiction Treatment

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

a woman learns about a painkiller addiction treatment programAlmost every medicine cabinet in the United States has at least one bottle of painkillers, and some people even carry extra doses in their purses or bags. For people attempting to recover from an addiction to painkillers, it can seem like temptation is always present, just waiting to strike. It can be incredibly depressing and highly isolating.

Painkiller rehabilitation programs can help. Patients in these programs can receive help for cravings and chemical changes caused by addiction. Recovery is possible, and a painkiller addiction treatment program in Palm Springs can help make it happen. Michael’s House is a painkiller rehab center in Palm Springs that also offers other substance abuse treatment programs. Call 760.548.4032 to find out how Michael’s House can help you or your loved one today.

Types of Painkiller Addiction Treatment Programs

Medications, counseling, and group therapy form the cornerstones of various painkiller addiction treatment programs. Some people start with a high level of care and supervision and move to a low level as they begin to heal. Other people alternate between formats, choosing the most appropriate treatment for their current situation.

Inpatient Rehab

The highest level of care and supervision is provided in an inpatient facility for addiction. Patients live in the facility and receive care 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Medications are provided as needed, therapy sessions are held onsite, and patients can walk down the hall for support group meetings. This is the sort of care offered at Michael’s House, and the staff believes in it wholeheartedly. Patients who participate in these inpatient programs tend to stay for about three to six weeks, after which they typically transition to care on an outpatient basis.

Sober Living Programs

Sometimes, patients live in a hospital-like setting similar to the care provided in a short-term inpatient facility. Medical staff is always present, and all the tools needed for recovery are provided under one roof. In other cases, patients live in a house or apartment complex with others who are also struggling with addiction. These sober living communities may have no medical staff onsite during specific times of the night, and some have no medical staff at all. The patients are expected to help one another and enforce the rules. For people learning to deal with addiction while living a life of relative normalcy, these so-called “sober living communities” can be beneficial.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Some people may not be able to live in a facility for a specific period, or they may not have the funds to pay for such care. Fortunately, many rehab centers provide therapy and medications for painkiller addictions entirely on an outpatient basis. These centers allow patients to fill prescriptions and then take the medications home. Patients may be expected to meet with a counselor regularly and provide proof that they are attending group meetings, but otherwise, patients are free to live at home, head to work, and maintain ties with friends.

Aftercare Services

All the hard work done in recovery is not lost with a relapse. Instead, a relapse is a setback. The person in addiction recovery needs to improve their coping skills and learn from their mistakes. By attending more group meetings and perhaps scheduling extra sessions with an addiction counselor, a person who experienced a relapse can get back on track. Aftercare services are essential because they provide people in addiction recovery accessible ways to bounce back from relapses.

What to Expect from Painkiller Addiction Treatment

During the detoxification stage of recovery, patients will experience withdrawal symptoms as their bodies adjust to the new reality of being without painkillers. Once patients are stabilized from these withdrawal symptoms, they can go on to further addiction treatment.

The Role of Medications

Some addicts benefit from a medication known as naloxone. If a patient in recovery takes naloxone and then chooses to take a prescription painkiller, the painkiller will no longer cause any form of pleasure. In short, naloxone is a chemical deterrent, which can be quite helpful for some people.

Other people benefit from the medication buprenorphine, which can also block the effectiveness of painkillers. Still, it also tends to cause a reduction in cravings for drugs. Buprenorphine has a low abuse potential and tends not to cause many side effects when people stop taking it. This medication is considered safe and effective for long-term use to treat painkiller addiction.

Choosing the proper medication at the correct dosage can be slightly tricky. Doctors often rely on patients to tell them how they are feeling and adjust the dosages accordingly. The goal is not to keep a patient sedated or to allow a patient to feel pain. The goal is to allow a patient to feel simply normal and balanced to focus on the work of healing.

The Role of Therapy

Just as medications are adjusted to meet a patient’s needs, therapy options are widespread. In general, the goal of therapy is to:

  • Teach the addict to identify cravings
  • Help the addict to understand addiction
  • Provide tools the addict can use to combat addiction
  • Resolve past injuries and trauma that might contribute to addiction

There are many ways in which patients can achieve these goals, but often, they are expected to spend a significant amount of time with an addiction counselor to do this critical work. Part of helping a patient deal with addiction-related behavior is to help them understand the link between thoughts and actions. Some people genuinely believe they cannot control what they do and may walk about in a daze from impulse to impulse. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques break that link and allow them to see the power of thoughts.

Mental health professionals can tweak this therapy to meet the needs of individual patients. For example, a form of CBT called dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can be remarkably effective in helping patients struggling with both addiction and a co-occurring mental health disorder.

Some therapists also use incentive programs to encourage patients to stay in therapy and resist relapse. Others include family members and friends, helping patients to build a supportive network.

The Role of Peer Support

Painkiller addiction can be isolating. Sometimes, interacting with others recovering from painkiller addiction can be incredibly powerful. Peer support groups help patients to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Learn more about the disease process
  • Know what to expect from the addiction recovery process
  • Share stories
  • Compare notes on treatment options
  • Make friends

There are a variety of support groups available for painkiller addiction. Narcotics Anonymous is likely the option most familiar, but it’s far from the only option available. Some communities have faith-based addiction programs held in the local church. Other communities host SMART Recovery programs, which are provided for secular audiences. Some communities have few options available, but online groups are always there.

Painkiller Addiction Treatment at Michael’s House

If you’d like more information on painkiller rehab or the types of programs we offer here at Michael’s House, contact us today at 760.548.4032. Michael’s House is a painkiller rehab center in Palm Springs with a staff that is available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about the programs and services they provide, such as the painkiller addiction treatment program in Palm Springs.