Crystal meth addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to shake in the long-term.
According to several studies, relapse occurs between seven and ten months after completion of crystal meth rehab in about 80 percent of recovering addicts. Whether a relapse translates to a full-blown return to crystal meth addiction or is just a temporary setback on the way to recovery is up to the individual. Are you prepared?1
To help you avoid a crystal meth addiction relapse, try following these ten measures for success:
- Give top priority to staying drug-free– Recovery from your crystal meth addiction is critical to quality of life. Everything you value –family, friends, career, etc. – depends on it. Do what it takes to make it happen.2
- Stay away from things that you associate with drug use– If you used to get high with certain people or in the bathroom at a particular bar or before you did a certain activity, these things can act as a trigger to relapsing. Try to avoid those people, places and situations. Establish new, healthier routines and activities.3
- Have an escape plan firmly in place– When you can’t avoid temptation, know where you will go, who you will call and what you will do in order to avoid relapse. An unclear battle plan is likely to lead you to succumb to temptation and result in reoccurring relapses.3
- Exercise, eat right, and sleep– Take care of your body. Stay fit, eat well and focus on thinking positively. Get enough sleep as well; the healing power of sleep is highly underrated. If you’re feeling strong and healthy, you will more likely make prudent decisions, like remaining drug-free.2
- Take care of your spiritual self– There are many different dimensions to who you are. When you are free from obsessing about drugs and getting high, you can take the time to explore your spiritual side.4
- Make new friends in recovery– Find people who are not only supportive of your new, drug-free lifestyle but also actively pursuing their own sobriety. Perhaps they are members of your 12-Step group. These people make great contacts when you feel tempted to relapse. They can relate to what you’re going through, encourage you during those tough times, and remind you of things that got you this far.3
- Get involved in aftercare treatment– Whether you choose addiction counseling, group therapy, personal therapy, 12-Step fellowship meetings or outpatient addiction treatment after crystal meth rehab, make sure you stay involved in something that helps you remain dedicated to your ongoing recovery.2
- Stay away from what you don’t want to use– The rule of never touching or holding an illicit substance or alcoholic beverage is helpful in early sobriety. Staying clean after crystal meth addiction means staying free of alcohol and other addictive drugs as well; any drug that alters rational thought can lead you right back into your old addiction habits.3
- Create a plan for your life– Now that the focus of everyday life is no longer on crystal meth, you have the opportunity to follow your dreams. Whether this means spending more time with your kids, going back to school, finding a new job or getting involved in a sport or new hobby, create a plan for yourself in recovery and focus on each small step that you need to take in order to get where you want to go.3
- Celebrate your accomplishments– Whether it’s avoiding a relapse or acknowledging a sober “birthday” milestone, celebrate the positive things that happen in your life during recovery and recognize all that you have gained by quitting crystal meth.2
If you would like to find a reputable rehab treatment program to help you fight crystal meth addiction, call us anytime, day or night, on our 24/7 toll-free line. You can place your trust in us. We care…and it shows.
1“Time to Relapse Following Treatment for Methamphetamine Use: A Long-Term Perspective on Patterns and Predictors”, National Center for Biotechnology Information,, (August 26, 2015).
2 Samuels, Howard, Psy.D., “8 Ways to Prevent Relapse”, The Huffington Post,, (July 23, 2013).
3 White, Donna M., LPCI, CACP, “5 Ways to Avoid Addiction Relapse”, PsychCentral,, (April 22, 2017).
4 Laudet, Alexandre B., Ph.D.,, “The Role of Social Supports, Spirituality, Religiousness, Life Meaning and Affiliation with 12-Step Fellowships in Quality of Life Satisfaction Among Individuals in Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Problems”, National Center for Biotechnology Information,