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What You Need to Know About Treatment

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

Before you begin Xanax addiction treatment, there are a few things you should be prepared for. Xanax detox, for example, will be a large part of your focus during the first part of treatment. After that, therapy and interactions with others will make up the bulk of your experience at Xanax addiction treatment. Knowing what to expect will help you to feel safer and calmer as you take those brave first steps toward a life without Xanax addiction.

Detox: The First Step

Physical addiction to Xanax is one of the first signs of Xanax addiction. If you can’t stop taking the drug — if you can’t even miss a dose or take your dose later than usual — without experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms, then Xanax detox is unavoidable. This is the first step in Xanax rehab. Stabilizing without continuing to take incredible doses of drug that destroys your liver and kidneys and wreaks havoc on your respiratory system is step one to recovery. This may or may not include medication depending upon the determination of your doctor based on your drug history. It can last for a few days and up to a few weeks. As you begin to feel better, think more clearly, and gain energy, you can begin to take part in the therapeutic aspect of Xanax addiction treatment.

Holistic Treatment and Therapy

Yoga group sittingAt a holistic Xanax addiction treatment program like what we offer here at Michael’s House, you will experience a number of different types of therapy. Alternative therapy options in addition to personal therapy and group sessions are extremely effective in giving you the opportunity to learn more about yourself and the reasons why you may have begun using Xanax addictively in the first place. Figuring out what is behind your addiction can help you to deal with the underlying problems so that when you return home, you will not relapse and return to Xanax addiction.

Treatment Includes Other People

Though you will create and execute a personalized treatment plan while at Xanax rehab, one of the biggest parts of Xanax addiction treatment is the social piece. You will be learning how to interact with others in a healthy way. You will learn how to listen to the stories of others. You will gain support and encouragement from your peers and give support and encouragement in return.

Serving others is a big part of a successful treatment program. It starts with the simple act of showing interest in other people at your Xanax rehab and extends through volunteer work out in the community. Helping strangers will help you in your interpersonal relationships with family members and friends when you return home. And healthy relationships will help you fight off relapse and a return to Xanax addiction.

Treatment at Michael’s House

At Michael’s House, we offer a Xanax addiction treatment program that is residential and long-term. We believe an immersive treatment that takes you away from stress and temptation is the best way to build up time in recovery.

Contact us today at 760.548.4032 to learn more about the details of our personalized treatment plans and unique holistic approach to Xanax addiction treatment.