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Can Percocet Cause a Hangover?

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Almost anyone who has experienced a night of heavy drinking is familiar with that dreaded morning-after hangover. You can guzzle water, eat crackers, take pain medications or do whatever home remedies you are familiar with and still end up feeling like you have run into a wall, unable to think clearly all day long.

Contrary to popular belief, a hangover is not just something that occurs with alcohol, though. It can also occur after taking large doses of other substances, such as Percocet.


What is a Hangover?

When most people hear the word hangover, they typically think of the headache and nausea that occurs after a night of heavy alcohol consumption. Not many people think that these effects can occur when using drugs such as Percocet.

However, in a more broad sense, a hangover can be defined as the remaining physical repercussions of a substance that causes a high. By this description, heavy Percocet abuse can also result in a hangover, just like alcohol.

As the body returns to its natural state after a night of Percocet abuse, certain chemicals in the brain are at work. This is combined with dehydration, which many opiate users experience when they forget to drink enough water while intoxicated. After the effects of the Percocet have worn off, the imbalance of chemicals and water in the body encourage the symptoms associated with a hangover.

Hangover vs. Withdrawal

Those who frequently experience hangovers from abusing Percocet should take some time to determine if they are truly hangovers rather than withdrawal symptoms. These two uncomfortable experiences are often confused with one another, although withdrawal can be indicative of a much greater problem.

Some commonly experienced symptoms of Percocet hangover include the following:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue

These symptoms are similar to withdrawal symptoms, so it is important to monitor when they occur. If the symptoms occur anytime you are not using Percocet, you could be experiencing withdrawal.

According to the Coalition Against Drug Abuse, withdrawal symptoms of Percocet include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Muscle pain and weakness
  • Fever
  • Panic attack
  • Flu-like symptoms

If the symptoms you are recognizing indicate withdrawal, it is possible that you have become addicted to Percocet. You may also notice that you need to take larger doses of the drug to achieve the same high. This is because you have developed a tolerance to the drug, which is another common sign of addiction. You may also find that you are constantly thinking about Percocet and that you cannot stop using it, even when you know it is causing harm. These are all signs of addiction and indicate a need for treatment.

Treatment for Percocet Abuse

By recognizing the differences between Percocet hangover and withdrawal, you may realize that your symptoms may suggest that you are abusing Percocet and heading towards addiction. Before your abuse of Percocet escalates, you would gain great benefit from speaking with an addiction counseling facility. The staff at these qualified facilities will help you gain insight into your abuse of Percocet and offer several viable options for you to explore.

Get Help for Percocet Addiction

Recovering from addiction can help you to find health and happiness in your life once more. Therefore, if you or a loved one has become addicted to Percocet, please call our toll-free helpline today at 760.548.4032. Our admissions coordinators are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you might have about treatments for Percocet addiction.