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Suburban Heroin

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The dangerous street drug heroin is making its way back into the suburbs.

For several years now, the talk among concerned suburban parents had to do with prescription medication being pilfered from home medicine cabinets. But now they have a new and more dangerous drug to worry about. Heroin is making its way back into the suburbs, according to a recent report by The Kansas City Star.

Parents from New York and Illinois to Alabama, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Utah and Washington state are alarmed to find that their teens and young twentysomething children are using – and sometimes overdosing on – heroin.

Why the Rise in Heroin Use?

Some experts blame the rise in use on other opiates like OxyContin or Vicodin. The painkillers have become popular among teens who would swipe them from their parents’ medicine cabinets. But alert adults have been cracking down on prescription misuse among kids. That may explain why teens are turning to heroin. Price may also play a role since scoring painkillers on the street can run up to $60 a pill, while a bag of heroin can be had for $10 or less and produce a more intense high.

How to Spot Heroin Use

Kids from intact homes who drive nice cars and get good grades are using what was once known as an urban drug favored by those outside the mainstream. And today’s heroin is nearly twice as pure, making it even more dangerous. So how can you be on the lookout for signs your kids are using heroin or other drugs? Look for these warning signs:

  • Drug paraphernalia (dirty spoons, syringes, pieces of burned foil, straws)
  • Droopy appearance, as if extremities are heavy
  • Disorientation, poor mental functioning
  • Constricted pupils
  • Pale, pasty skin
  • Apathy and/or lethargy
  • Nodding off
  • Eyes appear “lost” or have faraway look
  • Slurred speech
  • Nausea
  • Runny nose
  • Unkempt appearance/hygiene issues
  • Wearing long sleeves in warm weather
  • Missing cash or valuables, borrowing money
  • Change in performance — academic or otherwise
  • Unexplained absences at work, school or family events
  • Lying/deception
  • Change in friends
  • Withdrawal from usual activities or interests
  • Broken commitments
  • Hostility

 Drug Rehab

If you or someone you love is in need of  drug rehab, call us at our toll-free number. Someone is there to take your call 24 hours a day and answer any questions you have about treatment, financing or insurance.