Here are a few facts that may prove helpful to you as you seek a painkiller rehab center that can assist you in fighting addiction. Contact us at Michael’s House today if you have any questions.
1. Painkiller rehab is the best way to treat painkiller addiction.
Though there is no cure for painkiller addiction, there are a number of treatments and therapies that are proven to be effective in helping patients to safely stop abusing painkillers, teaching them better coping skills that don’t include alcohol and drugs.
2. It is not recommended to attempt to treat painkiller addiction at home.
Painkiller detox and the withdrawal symptoms that come with can be very difficult to deal with without the medical care and assistance of substance abuse treatment specialists. Few make it through to sobriety without relapse when they attempt to stop abusing painkillers alone. A medical painkiller detox is recommended.
3. Without treatment, painkiller addiction is deadly. Painkiller addiction slowly destroys the body’s ability to function.
Without treatment, kidney failure and liver failure are imminent threats and overdose is a constant risk.
4. Painkiller rehab starts with detox.
Detox is necessary to effectively address withdrawal symptoms and to help patients navigate the first days of treatment without relapse.
5. True recovery requires painkiller addiction treatment as well as detox.
Detox alone will not effectively treat painkiller addiction. Intensive psychotherapeutic addiction treatment designed to address psychological cravings and the compulsion to get high are needed in order to help the patient maintain sobriety for the long term.
6. Continued care after painkiller rehab can help patients fight relapse.
Ongoing support through any number of aftercare services will provide patients with the guidance and help they need to stay focused on implementing the principles of recovery in their life every day after rehab.
7. Holistic painkiller rehab addresses the multiple effects of painkiller addiction.
Holistic addiction treatment offers the patient a wide range of therapeutic and medical care options, each one designed to address one or more of the mental, emotional, spiritual or physical effects of painkiller addiction.
8. Traditional 12-step painkiller addiction treatment can help patients more easily transition back home.
With easy access to 12-step meetings after painkiller rehab, traditional addiction treatment programs that incorporate the 12 steps and traditions can aid those in more easily going from rehab to a life back home without relapse.
9. Painkiller rehab is an affordable option for everyone.
Through the assistance of health insurance and financing, few people will find that the cost of painkiller rehab it out of reach.
10. Painkiller addiction is far more expensive than painkiller rehab.
Paying for more and more and more of your painkiller of choice plus continuing to lose ground at work or remain unemployed due to your ongoing addiction in addition to legal problems and financial fees – the bills can spiral out of control and add up to far more than the cost of painkiller rehab.
If you would like to learn more about how painkiller rehab can help you or someone you care about fight the disease of painkiller addiction, we can give you all the information you need here at Michael’s House. Call now. Counselors are standing by.