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What Are Some Painkiller Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms?

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

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If you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking a painkiller like oxycodone, hydrocodone or fentanyl, this is a sign you are dependent on or addicted to the drug. If you experience withdrawal symptoms, you need medically supervised detox services now, and you need counseling and therapy after. The sooner you get treatment, the safer and more comfortable you’ll be. When you follow this detox treatment with in-depth addiction care, the less likely you are to ever have to experience withdrawal symptoms again. So what exactly are these painkiller addiction withdrawal symptoms?

Signs and Symptoms of Painkiller Addiction Withdrawal

Some painkiller withdrawal symptoms mimic the symptoms that led you to take painkillers in the first place. Other symptoms will be new or unexpected. Every withdrawal experience will be unique, so don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help even if you are experienced unlisted side effects. MedlinePlus explains that some early signs of opioid or opiate withdrawal include:1

  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle aches
  • Increased tearing
  • Insomnia
  • Runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Yawning

These symptoms typically begin between half a day to a day after your last dose. If you do not find medical support, these withdrawal symptoms will become stronger and may begin to include:

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

You may also experience changes in heart rate or blood pressure, confusion, hallucinations or even seizures. Any withdrawal symptom can be uncomfortable or painful, but these last few can even put your life in danger.

What Happens When You Ignore Withdrawal Symptoms

You can’t ignore painkiller addiction or withdrawal symptoms, yet this is exactly what many people try to do. Family members may see the effects of painkiller use on a loved one’s life yet convince themselves it’s part of the healing process or the person will stop when they want to. If you’re the one using an opiate or opioid, you may not realize that something you’ve been given by a doctor can now have this much influence over your life. No matter how much you deny or minimize a problem, the problem is still there, it does exist and it will get worse over time without treatment. Addiction does not go away on its own. Ignoring withdrawal symptoms or returning to drug use to avoid them only delays resuming a healthy, happy and drug-free life.

What to Do About Painkiller Withdrawal Symptoms

Confronting the issue of painkiller addiction and withdrawal symptoms doesn’t have to be an emotional, angry or dramatic confrontation. You can approach recovery with love and compassion — for yourself or for a loved one in need of help. However even when you recognize the need for treatment, it’s hard to know how to manage the next step of finding painkiller rehab that will work for you.

Handling research, paperwork and your own emotions and withdrawal symptoms in the midst of the haze of addiction is difficult, to say the least. But it doesn’t have to be.

Reach out to a professional treatment provider like Michael’s House. This doesn’t mean you’re signing up for painkiller rehab right now or have to choose one of our programs. We want you to get the care that’s best for you, no matter where that is or who provides it. And in the meantime, we’ll take the stress and confusion out of navigating this overwhelming time in life. If a loved one needs an intervention, we can connect you to professional interventionists. We can follow up with recommendations for inpatient or outpatient care or simply letting you know which of the many options out there is the one that will offer support for your unique situation.

Painkiller rehab is typically the best response to withdrawal symptoms. Medically supervised detox services flow smoothly into integrated treatment that can address the mental, physical and psychological issues underlying painkiller addiction. If you have any questions about our painkiller rehab program here in Palm Springs, or about the program that will be right for you, contact Michael’s House today.

By Alanna Hilbink

1Heller, Jacob. “Opioid and Opiate Withdrawal.” MedlinePlus. 20 Apr. 2016.