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Detox Tips

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

OxyContin Detox TipsChoosing to take the plunge and break free from OxyContin addiction through OxyContin detox is a brave and bold decision -perhaps one of the most important ones you will make in your life.

Choosing a medication that will assist you as well as a qualified OxyContin rehab that provides detox and addiction treatment, and avoiding bad choices before you get started can help you get through your OxyContin detox as safely and efficiently as possible. Here are a few OxyContin detox tips, courtesy of Michael’s House.

Choose a Medicated Detox

Medication that treats the inevitable withdrawal symptoms you experience will help make your OxyContin detox more comfortable and, in some cases, shorten the length of time you have to deal with feeling ill. Medications will be prescribed according to the withdrawal symptoms you experience. For example, if you are having headaches or insomnia, you will be given a prescription to mitigate those particular symptoms. In most cases, the prescription will be non-addictive and support your new drug-free goals.

Don’t Do It Alone

It is absolutely unsafe and never recommended to attempt an OxyContin detox at home alone. Nor is it recommended that you attempt an opiate detox with friends or family members as your only source of support. Opiate addiction, unfortunately, comes with quite a few complications and if these complications surface while you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms during OxyContin detox and you don’t have medical assistance standing by, the result can be fatal. Additionally, the number of overdoses due to relapse during attempted detox is astronomical. Instead, opt for a OxyContin detox facility that has the medical support you need.

Don’t Binge Before You Start

Many enroll in an OxyContin addiction treatment program and binge before they begin. The result can be an accidental overdose at worst and a terrible OxyContin detox experience at best because your body must become accustomed to living without an even higher dose of OxyContin. Drinking heavily, smoking marijuana, or using other drugs is also warned against as having these drugs in your system can complicate matters when you begin treatment. Instead, get as much rest as possible and prepare to heal.

Follow Up With Addiction Treatment

OxyContin detox is an important first step to a new life without OxyContin addiction but it is certainly not the final step in your recovery. Following up with addiction treatment gives you more power over your actions. Having an understanding of why you feel compelled to use drugs addictively and learning more positive ways to handle those issues will assist you for the rest of your life as you fight to stay clean and sober.

OxyContin Detox and Addiction Treatment at Michael’s House

Michael’s House offers an OxyContin detox and OxyContin addiction treatment that can help you build a firm foundation in your new life without drugs and alcohol.

Call 760.548.4032 now to find out more about our Palm Springs rehab and get answers to the questions you need answered.