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Warning Signs

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

OxyContin Addiction Warning SignsAre you taking OxyContin for pain? Are you concerned that you are developing an OxyContin addiction as a result? It’s important to note that not everyone who takes OxyContin will develop an addiction that requires OxyContin rehab. Though most will develop a physical dependence, it can easily be taken care of by slowly stepping down the dose of the drug until you are off it completely. For those who develop psychological cravings, however, use OxyContin non-medically or continually make negative choices under the influence of the drug and still don’t want to stop taking it, OxyContin addiction is a problem.

If you are exhibiting OxyContin addiction warning signs and you need OxyContin rehab, Michael’s House can help. Call us now for more information.

Psychological Cravings

  • Do you feel the urge to take more OxyContin shortly after taking your prescribed dose?
  • Do you feel like you need to take more than is prescribed in order to feel the effects?
  • Do you crave the euphoric feeling that goes with taking OxyContin when you should be thinking about other things?
  • Do you do things that you aren’t proud of -lie, steal, abuse your prescription, try to get fraudulent duplicate prescriptions -in service of getting high?

If so, psychological cravings could be an OxyContin addiction warning sign that you need treatment.

Non-medical Use of OxyContin

Medical use of prescription drugs means that you are taking a prescription that is prescribed to you for the treatment of chronic or acute pain. If you take that prescription exactly as prescribed (the right dose in pill form with the right amount of time between doses) and don’t augment your prescription with alcohol or other drugs, then you are taking your prescription medically.

Non-medical uses of OxyContin that are OxyContin addiction warning signs include:

  • Taking OxyContin from a friend or family member’s prescription
  • Crushing your pill before swallowing or injecting it
  • Augmenting the effects of the drug with alcohol or other drugs
  • Doctor shopping for fraudulent prescriptions

Negative Choices

Poor judgment is the hallmark of OxyContin addiction and you can see it in the results of your daily choices. When you take OxyContin, your judgment and short-term memory are immediately affected. Bad choices can be the result. If this occurs regularly under the influence of OxyContin, there can be devastating effects. For example, choosing to drive under the influence of the opiate painkiller is a definite danger. Choosing to have unprotected sex or to pass out from taking too much of the drug and leaving small children unattended.

Get Help at Michael’s House

OxyContin addiction warning signs are serious, indeed. If you notice them in your life or in the life of someone you love, then OxyContin rehab should be your next step. Learn about the different OxyContin addiction treatment options available and choose one that will work best for you.

Contact us at Michael’s House at 760.548.4032 if you are ready to enroll in an inpatient OxyContin treatment program now.