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Oxycodone Addiction Risks

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

For every oxycodone addict, the risks associated with addiction are an ever-present threat. Health problems that are chronic or acute, problems with relationships or at work – even problems getting out of bed in the morning or getting through the day without experiencing withdrawal symptoms, all of these issues are part of the package when oxycodone addiction goes untreated. The biggest oxycodone addiction risk, however, is the risk of losing out on all that life has to offer because the focus is on maintaining a life-sucking addiction.


The same dose of oxycodone taken the day before may have a devastating effect the following day. Oxycodone overdose is one of the primary causes of death related to oxycodone addiction. Those who are new to the drug often take too much and their body shuts down in response, but even those who have sustained a long-term addiction to the drug are at risk. With extended addiction, the body becomes unreliable. Commonly, oxycodone overdose occurs after a period of abstinence -after an attempted oxycodone withdrawal, after time spent in inpatient opiate rehab or after time spent in prison or traveling abroad where it was difficult to get the drug.

Other Health Problems

Oxycodone overdose is not the only health risk associated with oxycodone addiction. Accidents caused by driving under the influence can be fatal. In fact, attempting to do anything requiring concentration or caution can result in an accident that is life-altering.

Chronic health problems due to ongoing oxycodone abuse are common as well: liver failure, kidney failure, respiratory problems, cardiac issues and more. In some cases, opiate rehab can completely reverse these negative effects. In other cases, oxycodone addiction treatment can mean slow or stop the developing problems in their tracks and provide time to get a treatment that can prolong life -and the quality of life -for years to come.

Lost Quality of Life

Lost quality of life during oxycodone addiction is unavoidable. There’s simply no way to enjoy your children, your job, your partner or spouse, your work, your hobbies or your friends when you are single-mindedly obsessed with getting more oxycodone. When you are high and “nodding out” or dealing with the depression that follows an oxycodone binge, you can’t focus on anything. Many oxycodone addicts lose their families, their jobs, their friends and their opportunities for the future. Choosing an oxycodone addiction treatment at a comprehensive oxycodone rehab can give you the opportunity to right the wrongs that occurred during active addiction and begin a new life without the shackles of oxycodone addiction.

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment at Michael’s House

At Michael’s House, we provide an oxycodone addiction treatment program that includes oxycodone detox and psychological oxycodone addiction care and treatment. Our Palm Springs oxycodone rehab has helped thousands to avoid the risks of oxycodone addiction by getting the treatment they need to create a new life in recovery. Contact us today at 760.548.4032 to find out more.

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