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Types of Opiate Addiction

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

Eye closeup sweaty faceOpiate addictions can be difficult to treat and overcome; however, many opiate rehab programs are well-equipped to provide you with both medical care and psychological support throughout your journey so that you are prepared for a healthy lifestyle after treatment. Opiate painkiller addictionheroin addiction and methadone addiction are the three most common types of opiate addiction, and all three merit medically-supervised opiate detox and residential addiction treatment.

Painkiller Addiction

Opiate painkiller addiction often begins with a prescription for moderate to severe pain. After an accident or surgery, many go home with a prescription for opiate painkillers to help manage pain as they heal. Even those who carefully follow their prescription can unintentionally develop an addiction because of how addictive the drugs are. Once a painkiller addiction is an issue, many will go to extensive measures to make sure they have access to opioids. Some get duplicate prescriptions by doctor shopping while others find prescription painkillers online and purchase them without a prescription. Many will even cross over to a heroin addiction once they no longer have access to prescription opioids.

Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction is another type of opiate addiction. Usually injected, the risks of heroin addiction go far beyond the usual risk of chronic illness. Infections at the site of injection, endocarditis and abscesses are common issues for most heroin addicts. Additionally, people who use heroin are at a much higher risk of overdoes. Because heroin is illegal and must be found on the street, it is difficult to know if you are receiving pure heroin or if what you buy has been cut with other substances.

Heroin addiction is treated most effectively at an inpatient drug addiction treatment center that provides medical detox and extended psychological addiction treatment. In rehab, your body will learn to physically manage life without opioids as your body adjusts to not having the drug. You will also work with therapists in individual and group counseling to better understand how your addiction developed and learn adaptive skills for a healthier life.1

Methadone Addiction

Methadone is a replacement drug for those who have had trouble with other opiates.2 Methadone addiction comes in two forms: those who have the prescription pills for pain management and those who are taking the drug in its liquid form to treat heroin addiction. Many find that methadone treatment after heroin addiction means nothing more than a transferred dependence on a new substance. Even those at a blocking dose of 80 milligrams or more are tempted to abuse their prescriptions and supplement with other drugs and alcohol.

Getting help is essential, and choosing an inpatient treatment that teaches you skills to keep you from relapse and provides you with continued support in your recovery is one of the best ways to change your life for good. Most who are in treatment for a second or third time understand that the true change comes from longer and more immersive treatment found in residential programs.

Opiate Treatment at Michael’s House

If you would like to learn more about our opiate painkiller addiction treatment program here at Michael’s House, call us today. We have two different estates in Palm Springs, California, each providing separate recovery facilities for those who are ready to break free from painkiller addiction.

Please call our 24-hour, toll-free helpline to speak with our caring and knowledgeable admissions coordinators to find out more opiate addiction treatment. We want to help you begin a new life apart from drugs.


1Heroin.” National Institute on Drug Abuse. January 2018.

2Methadone.” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. 28 September 2015.