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If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

When a drug addict refuses to go to treatment for their addiction, sometimes an intervention is highly necessary in order to confront them and convince them that it’s time to receive help. If an intervention is not conducted the right way, it can have the opposite effect. Especially since a drug intervention normally involves family members, the addict may feel totally isolated and disappear. If that happens, they can end up with no one who cares enough about their well-being to convince them to receive treatment for their addiction. In order to ensure that a drug intervention runs smoothly and that the desired result is achieved with the addict going to drug rehab, here are some drug intervention tips:

Tips for Drug Treatment Intervention

drug intervention tipsDrug Interventionists and family members can create the right atmosphere for an addiction intervention -an intervention for substance abuse cannot be done alone. A drug interventionist who is a certified counsellor should help organize the process and be present during the addiction intervention to help deal with the addict. Family members and close friends should be involved in an intervention and can speak to the ways that the drug addict’s substance abuse has affected their lives. The people present should be those who have the ability to influence the addict so that they are better persuaded to enter rehab. For this reason, intervention participants should be carefully selected.

Remember that an addiction intervention is designed to help addicts decide to enter into recovery to improve for the future -a drug intervention will not be enough to cure an addict of their addiction and family members should never expect that. The best case scenario from a drug intervention is that the drug abuser will recognize that they need help with their drug addiction and agree to treatment.

Finding an Experienced Drug and Alcohol Interventionist

Find an experienced interventionist -families can contact a drug treatment facility and request assistance in staging an intervention. In most cases, a substance abuser will not easily agree to treatment so someone experienced in conducting an intervention that also is a certified counsellor to deal with any psychological elements that will arise during the process is best equipped to help deal with an addict.

The interventionist sets up a plan for the intervention -after speaking with the family members and understanding the nature of

the user’s addiction, the drug interventionist will outline a specific plan for the intervention process. The interventionist will request families to have specific involvement -during a drug intervention, the advisor may suggest that family members provide consequences if the drug abuser doesn’t go to treatment, or ask them to outline the affects of their loved one’s drug use. It’s essential that family members stick to the role they have been provided with for the addiction intervention.

Providing Moral Support for Drug and Alcohol Intervention

Provide moral support if the addict agrees to treatment -if the drug user agrees to get help, family members and friends should be immediately supportive. If not, they should be prepared to carry out any consequences they outlined during the drug intervention. Ensure treatment is immediately available -if an addict doesn’t go immediately to treatment following an intervention, they may not follow through with their agreement to help. For the best result, addicts should enter drug rehab the same day.

Holding and intervention can be hard, but planning the intervention is the most strategic part of the process. It is important to pick the right family members and friends to be a part of building the script and location that this will take place.