Inpatient heroin detox is always recommended for anyone struggling to break free from heroin detox. The round-the-clock support and medical assistance ensure that you make it to the other side of heroin detox as quickly and safely as possible. There is no substitute for the immersive treatment provided by an inpatient heroin detox and addiction treatment center.
Contact us at Michael’s House now to learn more about our inpatient heroin detox program and how we can help you break free from heroin addiction.
There is no one way to do heroin detox; your inpatient heroin detox options are varied. You may opt for a methadone maintenance program, Subutex and Suboxone treatment, ‘cold turkey’ detox, or a medicated detox. Methadone and Suboxone are two types of medication that are meant to ‘replace’ the heroin in your body when taken daily or every other day, until you slowly lower your dose and are off the medication completely. ‘Cold turkey’ detox means no medication of any kind -just medical support to help you get through the detox process as quickly as possible. Medicated detox doesn’t offer ‘replacement’ medications but does provide you with medication to treat the specific withdrawal symptoms you experience. No matter which type of heroin detox you choose, when you opt for inpatient detox you are guaranteed the medical attention that you need.
Many opt for outpatient heroin detox over inpatient heroin detox because they don’t want the inconvenience of leaving home or the added expense of room and board. Unfortunately, no heroin detox is effective without addiction treatment and counseling. At an inpatient heroin detox, you also receive psychological treatment through therapy and counseling.
The benefits of ongoing inpatient treatment are twofold: not only do you have the space you need from the stresses and temptations in your daily life that often contribute to relapse but you also build the relationships and the clean time that will sustain you when you return home. The support of peers, therapists, case managers, and counselors will support you when you feel tempted to relapse or have issues come up for you that are difficult to deal with without escaping into a heroin high.
Choosing the Right Heroin Detox Program
For those who want a short detox and are on lower doses of heroin, a Suboxone treatment or ‘cold turkey’ detox may be the best choice. Determining whether a ‘cold turkey’ heroin detox, medical heroin detox, or a medicated heroin detox is the right choice for you will depend upon the dose of heroin you are taking when you quit. For those taking high amounts of heroin, Suboxone treatment is not an option. Methadone is recommended at least until you get down to a lower dose -this allows you to make your detox experience a little less painful when you stop taking the drug.
Getting Help at Michael’s House
Learn more about our inpatient heroin detox program here at Michael’s House in Palm Springs, California by calling 760.548.4032. Let us help you on your path to healing after heroin addiction.