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Help for You

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

help-for-you Addictions can make you feel isolated and alone, as though no one else in the world could really understand exactly what has happened to you and what you’ll need in order to feel whole once more. The truth is that addictions are remarkably common. For example, the World Health Organization reports that at least 15.3 million people worldwide have drug use disorders. It’s not a problem that’s just limited to you and those you know.

In a treatment program for addiction, you’ll be provided with the opportunity to meet some of these other people on a firsthand basis, and you may learn a remarkable amount about your own addiction in the process.

Learn About Our Treatment Programs at Michael’s House

Clearing Your Body

hAddiction treatment programs begin with detoxification, in which your body gradually becomes accustomed to functioning normally without the presence of addictive substances. In a study in the journal Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, researchers found that some people are afraid of going through detoxification, and those who are afraid had fewer attempts at effective treatment. Their fear kept them from getting the help they’d need. If this sounds familiar, rest assured.

In a formal detox program, you’ll be provided with the physical and emotional support you’ll need in order to get sober without feeling intense physical pain.

The process is much different than the process you’d go through on your own at home.

Changing Your Mind

Once detox is complete, you’ll be ready to move on to a formal treatment program for your addiction. There’s no one way to treat an addiction, as every person is just a little different and responses to therapy approaches can differ as well, but common aspects of a treatment program include:
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Life skills classes
  • Meditation
  • Support group meetings

Rehab programs might also provide you with a little free time, so you can meet the other people enrolled in the treatment program and share your stories of addiction and recovery in an informal way. In these talks, you might pick up new tips for dealing with your own addiction that you never would have thought of on your own, and you might make friends who stay with you for life. When the urge to relapse arises, you’ll have a network of people to call on for help.

View The Michael’s House Treatment Location

Getting Started

Michael's House Treatment ProgramsAdmitting that you have an addiction can be difficult. Agreeing to enter a treatment program can also be a challenge, especially if you think of yourself as independent, in control and without the need of help from other people. But by taking a stand against addiction, and agreeing to let others help you overcome the problems you’re facing, you might learn real lessons you can apply in the rest of your life, and your addiction might move from a crisis situation into a chronic condition you manage, with a little help from your friends.

At Michael’s House, we offer medically supervised detoxification services, and we offer integrated care for people who have both addictions and mental illnesses. We tailor each program we provide to meet the specific needs of the people in our care. We’d love to work with you. Please feel free to explore this site and learn more about addictions and how they can be treated. When you’re ready to get started on your own healing journey, just call us.

Learn about the Admissions Process at Michael’s House.