Halcion is the brand name for the drug Triazolam, which is in a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. It is a central nervous system depressant that is generally prescribed to treat sleep disorders, such as insomnia, according to information provided by Medline Plus, a publication of the National Library of Medicine. The drug, when used correctly, can be very helpful. When it is not used correctly, however, it can be dangerous.
Halcion abuse can occur in two distinct ways. The first misuse of this drug is what many think of as abuse. A person may obtain the drug illegally for no real medical purpose. The other is more subtle and many who are actively engaged in Halcion abuse may not even realize it. Taking a drug in any way other than the way in which is prescribed is abuse of that drug. For instance, an individual may visit their doctor because they are having trouble sleeping, or staying asleep for an adequate period of time. Their doctor may prescribe Halcion for the condition and, for a while, the individual follows the instructions to the letter. Eventually, they may find that the dosage isn’t working as well as it did in the beginning. They may choose to take a double dose at bedtime. They may take their normal dose at bedtime, but when they wake in the middle of the night, they may take another dose much sooner than the timeframe originally dictated by their doctor.
The reason that this individual may find that their original dosage is no longer having the same effects may be related to a concept known as tolerance. Tolerance, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, occurs when the body gets used to a certain amount of a specific drug in the system. The brain and the body work around the drug to establish normalcy. In order to gain the same effects as previous uses of the drug provided, one must ingest more of the substance. A responsible patient who does not wish to abuse their prescription for Halcion should revisit their dosages with their doctor rather than self-medicating with higher doses or shorter periods of time between dosages to avoid a serious negative result of tolerance: addiction.
Addiction is a disease that can develop if drug abuse in any form – either deliberate or unintentional – is allowed to progress unchecked. It is a chronic condition for which there is not cure, but for which there are evidence-based, effective treatments. In order to understand why treatment for addiction is so important, one must recognize the negative effects of continued drug abuse.
Halcion Abuse and Addiction Can Destroy Families
Families consist of many individuals who share a common link. For the purposes of drug abuse and treatment, families are defined in many ways. They may be a traditional, nuclear family consisting of parents and children. They might also be extended families that include grandparents, aunts and uncles or cousins. They might also be elective families made up of very close friends who have chosen to live their lives emotionally connected to one other. Also included in this dynamic are members of the GLBT community – same sex partners and their children – whether or not they are considered families by the laws of the states where they reside.
When one member of the family suffers from addiction, every person in that family unit is affected in one way or another. For instance, disagreements and even fights can ensue when the addicted individual exhibits some of the common behaviors associated with addiction. For instance:
- The addicted individual may choose to use drugs rather than attend important and significant life events with their family – such as school performances, parent-teacher meetings, graduations, or award ceremonies.
- The addicted individual may find himself or herself unable to go to work due to withdrawal from drugs or because they are recovering from the use of drugs, causing disagreements over their ability to meet their financial obligations for the benefit of the family unit.
- The family members may not understand the extent to which an individual is addicted and feel as though their loved one simply doesn’t care about them.
- The addicted individual may face criminal or other legal issues arising from their use of Halcion or other drugs in the form of intoxicated or distracted (reckless) driving or their lack of attention to the payment of bills.
- The children of the addicted individual may be left to their own devices without the guidance of a responsible parent, leading them to make irresponsible decisions of their own with ramifications on the family unit – such as failing in school or the use of drugs or alcohol.
Special Risks for Those Addicted to Halcion and Other CNS Depressants
When an individual stops using a drug to which they have become addicted, they may suffer withdrawal effects that range from mild to severe. For some drugs, such as cocaine, there may be very few significant withdrawal symptoms that affect the physical well-being of the individual drug user, according to Medline Plus. On the other hand, the withdrawal symptoms from opioids, such as heroin, can be painful and cause symptoms that range from cold chills to nausea and vomiting. It isn’t possible to define exactly what withdrawal will be like for any one person because there are many factors that contribute to the equation, such as how long a person has been addicted, how much of the drug they have become accustomed to taking, and their overall physical and mental strength. In most cases,
these symptoms are not immediately life-threatening.
In the case of drugs like Halcion and other benzodiazepines, it is important to emphasize an important difference. When an individual stops taking Halcion suddenly, without the help and support of an experienced medical detox facility, there is the risk of death. It is important not to see this information as a reason to continue abusing Halcion, but as a reason to seek professional help for an addiction as quickly as possible. According to Psychology Today, weaning off benzodiazepines, such as Halcion, can take as long as six month, or in some cases even longer, in order to avoid the risks of life-threatening complications.
Detoxification Is Not the Same as Treatment
When someone who is suffering from Halcion abuse or addiction visits a medically assisted detox facility to wean themselves safely off these drugs, it might be easy to assume that they should be well on their way to living a life that is free of drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, however, detox is not a treatment for the addiction itself and is only a first step in the entire, much longer process of recovery. Once the individual has successfully stopped taking Halcion, or has begun a program of reducing the amounts taken in a safe and healthy manner, they will begin their treatment program in earnest.
The next stages of recovery may include inpatient treatment at a residential facility. An inpatient program will provide living arrangements for the individual throughout the time they are in treatment, with a staff of professionals who will oversee their care for the duration of their visit. During their stay in the residential facility, they will be living in a home-like environment with access to counselors and other effective therapeutic tools.
For instance, in some cases, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has shown to be an effective tool for the treatment of drug abuse. This therapy is different than traditional talk therapy that most individuals associate with psychological treatment. One of the main focuses of this type of therapy is the ability of the recovering addict to have better coping skills which can help them exhibit better self-control when they are faced with relapse triggers, such as stress or simply the availability of drugs like Halcion. By placing practical experiences of an alternative nature within reach, the individual can better face these challenges. Another benefit to CBT is the time it takes to complete a single course.
Other differences in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy include:
- Talk therapy can take years, while CBT is scheduled over a specific period of weeks or sessions.
- CBT involves homework meant to help the recovering addict make progress in the program.
- CBT is a partnership between the counselor and the resident with specific goals in mind.
- CBT is based on the understanding that behaviors are leaned based upon experiences and that unlearning those behaviors and learning new skills is possible.
- The concept of CBT involves rational thinking, as opposed to assumptive thinking, so the reactions to those thoughts are based in fact and not hypothesis.
Straightforward talk therapy may take years of ongoing visits, while CBT is undergone with a specific number of visits in mind, an established workbook of activities and exercises, and even homework to help the recovering addict make progress in treatment.
Effective Treatment Programs Are Flexible and Unique
Each individual who receives treatment is different and unique. In order for treatment to be effective, the NIDA has established in its research that the best programs will be flexible enough to meet the varying needs of many different people. For instance, one resident of a treatment program may need counseling concerning their deteriorating relationship with their children, while another resident in the same facility may have no children, but they are facing serious criminal charges that are threatening to affect the rest of their life. A program that is established as a one-sized-fits-all routine would be unable to address each of these very different needs. In both of these examples, the situations may change drastically during the course of treatment, so the program and the individuals responsible for the treatment must be flexible enough to cater to the needs of the resident on an ongoing basis.
It is also important that an individual remain in treatment for a period that is long enough to treat their condition. One individual may find that he is progressing well enough after just a few weeks that his residential treatment can end, and he can begin outpatient follow-up care. Another individual, addicted to the same drug with the same symptoms, may discover that she needs to remain in residential treatment for far longer. There is no way to know until treatment begins at what rate any one individual may progress.
If you or someone you love is suffering from Halcion abuse or addiction, it is never too early or too late to get the help needed to recover. When you contact us here at Michael’s House for more information, you will receive professional guidance and answers to questions about getting the most effective treatment for you. Give us a all at 760.548.4032.