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Watch out for Scams

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse over 2.5 million people receive treatment each year at a qualified drug rehab facility. And although the world of addiction treatment is filled with caring, expert professionals who have dedicated their lives to helping others, there are unfortunately, a number of businesses within the industry that over-promise in terms of the results offered, or flat out lie about the effectiveness of their programs.

These drug treatment scams besmirch the entire industry and are an injustice to those qualified drug rehab centers that continue to help people rebuild their lives.

Common Drug Treatment Scams

The most common drug treatment scams include:

  • Detox as rehab. Many detox facilities claim that their program “cures” drug addiction. This is simply inaccurate for two primary reasons. It is impossible to simply cure drug addiction. Individuals must learn how to cope with their condition by understanding the triggers associated with their drug use -and finding healthy alternatives and better decision-making skills to carry them through the rest of their lives. Drug detox is simply an important step in this process.
  • Herbal remedies. There are countless herbal remedies that do indeed work as advertised. However, drug addiction is not something that can be cured with a simple pill or mixture of organic herbs. Individuals are strongly urged to avoid those claims of a “cure” through natural or chemical remedies.
  • Shorter rehab programs. Some treatment facilities proclaim that they can help individuals overcome drug addiction in as little as two weeks. This is simply not possible. Drug rehab programs that enjoy the highest success rates last at least one to three months.
  • Guarantees. It is almost impossible to guarantee successful drug treatment. While the finest facilities do proudly sport high rates of addiction treatment success, there are simply too many variables involved to make such a bold claim.

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Elements of Quality Drug Treatment

So how can an individual spot a reputable, professional drug treatment center when they see one? It is important to watch for the following:

  • Standard program length. Most qualified drug treatment programs last between one and three months, with long-term drug rehab lasting a year or longer depending upon the severity of the condition.
  • Comprehensive treatment. The drug treatment programs with the highest success rates are those that address both the physical and psychological needs of the individual. Detox, counseling, and aftercare must all play a role if the individual is to enjoy a truly full recovery from addiction.
  • Qualified staff. It is important to review the background of those employed at an addiction treatment center. The best facilities will feature a number of individuals with key educational degrees as well as decades in the treatment industry.

Michael’s House offers comprehensive drug treatment from their luxury residential facility in Palm Springs, California. The caring professionals at Michael’s House understand that treating drug addiction requires a qualified, multi-faceted approach. For more information, contact Michael’s House today at 760.548.4032.