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Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

If you use cocaine on a regularly basis, when you use less of the drug — or stop taking the drug altogether — withdrawal symptoms soon follow. These conditions are both physical and psychological in nature and can be quite overpowering. In fact, not many people are able to endure cocaine detox or withdrawal without professional medical supervision. Most individuals relapse. Many others overdose as a result of the cocaine tolerance change in the body. When cocaine reenters the body, it often overstimulates the body which can lead to a drug overdose.

At Michael’s House, we offer a cocaine rehab that includes a safe and effective cocaine detox at its outset. If you have questions about our cocaine detox and addiction treatment, contact us at Michael’s House today.

Physical Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Woman hiding faceWhen someone stops using cocaine or when a binge ends, a crash follows almost right away. The cocaine user has a strong craving for more cocaine during a crash. Other symptoms include fatigue, lack of pleasure, anxiety, irritability, sleepiness, and sometimes agitation or extreme suspicion or paranoia.1

Though the physical withdrawal symptoms associated with cocaine addiction are less noticeable than the withdrawal symptoms associated with drugs like alcohol and heroin, they are significant nonetheless. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, please seek out professional help immediately so you can get the help you need.

Psychological Symptoms

Though cocaine addiction was once thought to be less addictive than other drugs, research has shown that the psychological cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with cocaine detox can be more devastating than those associated with other drugs. Psychological withdrawal symptoms associated with cocaine detox are highlighted by intense and overwhelming cravings for cocaine as well as a general agitation, anxiety and irritability, and the inability to take pleasure in anything.

Some addicts even experience suicidal thoughts during cocaine detox and withdrawal. According to research, at least half of all people addicted to cocaine also have a mental disorder (particularly depression and attention-deficit disorder).2 It is for these reasons that a dual diagnosis treatment program is essential to treat cocaine addiction. We at Michael’s House are proud to offer dual diagnosis treatment programs to help you move forward.

Treatment Options

Though there are a number of cocaine detox withdrawal symptoms treatment options, the safest and most effective options address both the physical and psychological aspects of cocaine addiction. At Michael’s House, we address both your physical addiction to the drug and address your psychological issues simultaneously. Some individuals begin cocaine addiction as a way to combat and self-medicate a pre-existing psychological disorder; others develop psychological disorders during the course of their drug use. Either way, Michael’s House can help.

Treatment at Michael’s House

At Michael’s House, we offer a cocaine rehab program that provides dual diagnosis treatment for both physical and psychological cocaine detox withdrawal symptoms. Our cocaine detox first addresses the physical nature of cocaine addiction and, once you are stabilized, continues detoxification treatment.Then the focus of treatment turns to the psychological nature of addiction through 12-Step programs and dialectical and behavioral therapy.

If you have questions about how Michael’s House can help you heal after cocaine addiction, contact us for more information today at 760.548.4032.


1 "Cocaine withdrawal." MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.

2 "Cocaine Withdrawal." The New York Times. 5 April 2013. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.