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Can Rehab Save Your Marriage?

Providing Trusted, Evidence-Based
Treatment for Three Decades and Counting

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, we’re here to help.

If you are the spouse of a partner with an active alcohol addiction, you may place your marital dreams on the outcome of an alcohol rehab program. Many spouses encourage their husbands or wives to enroll in treatment and believe that all marriage problems will go away when the addiction is addressed. Some spouses may even threaten divorce if their loved one refuses to go to alcohol rehab.

In some cases, alcohol rehab is a godsend for a marriage. Addicted spouses get the treatment and care they need to get better. The spouses at home are ready to put in the work on their part to aid in recovery. In other cases, alcohol addiction was only one of many crippling problems in the marriage. When these problems surface—though alcohol rehab still made a difference for the addicted spouse—rehab alone does not save the marriage.

If you would like to learn more about alcohol rehab options here at Michael’s House for your spouse, please contact us today. We offer alcohol detox, alcohol addiction treatment and sober living programs on two estates here in Palm Springs. Please call now for more information.

The Hope Rehab Provides For Your Marriage

Couple having serious discussionAlcohol rehab is a medical treatment program that offers alcoholics the care and attention they need to make progress living a life without alcohol. For a marriage, the importance of rehab cannot be understated. When the spouse becomes clean and sober, any poor choices made under the influence may stop. Most commonly, the healing process starts with sincere apologies for mistakes made while drinking. In some cases, relapse occurs. This does not mean the treatment did not work. The relapse rates for addiction resemble those of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.[1]

When the addicted spouse returns home from treatment, healing can begin in a safe place. A therapist can enable both spouses to get the help, support and encouragement they need to work through the difficulties that come with new sobriety.

What Treatment Cannot Do For Your Marriage

Alcohol rehab provides medical and psychological treatment for the addicted spouse and helps start the process of recovery. There are a few options of support and care for family members, but the focus falls on the addicted spouse. For this reason, it is important that spouses take it upon themselves to attend therapy, attend codependency support groups, and learn how to identify themselves independently of their spouse.

Treatment For Your Spouse At Michael’s House

If your spouse has a problem with alcohol, please know you are not alone. Statistics show that over 23.5 million persons aged 12 or older need treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol abuse problem.[2] The great news is treatment is only one phone call away.

Would you like to learn more about your spouse’s alcohol addiction treatment options here at Michael’s House? We are here to help and we are glad to answer any of your questions. Please contact us today for more information about our Palm Springs rehab programs.


[1] How Effective is Drug and Alcohol Treatment?

[2] Treatment Statistics.