When an individual abuses alcohol it significantly lowers personal inhibitions. While this may bring feelings of relaxation, this behavior leads millions of people to engage in extremely risky behaviors. In many cases, alcohol abuse can lead to life-changing consequences.
How Alcohol Lowers Inhibitions
When a person drinks a large amount of alcohol, his brain naturally releases dopamine. This is the chemical that gives the individual feelings of pleasure. The brain uses this natural chemical to reinforce behaviors that promote wellbeing such as exercise, hard work and even eating. The more alcohol, the more dopamine, the greater the chemical change. This is how alcohol abuse blocks negative emotions like fear, stress, anxiety and insecurity. Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways and can even change an individual’s mood or behavior.1
While a drink or two might help someone relax in a social setting, a couple more drinks may prompt him to act in abnormal ways. Alcohol often fuels the following behaviors:
Alcohol fuels any of the following behaviors:
- Risky sexual behavior
- Criminal activity
- Fighting and other violence
- Driving under the influence
- Inappropriate comments and behavior to friends, family or co-workers
- The use of other drugs to feel even higher
If you experience any of these symptoms while drinking, you are likely abusing alcohol and may have an alcohol problem. Please reach out for help by calling our helpline, 760.548.4032.
Risks Associated with Lowered Inhibitions
While it is well-documented that drinking and driving is very dangerous, there are other safety concerns to consider. In 2015, over 33 thousand people were victims of alcohol-induced deaths not including accidents or homicides.2
Many people have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases, and many babies have been conceived due to unprotected sex that occurred during intoxication. Drug overdose is also a serious problem. Too often, individuals overdose because they’ve mixed other drugs while under the influence of alcohol.3
If someone has a mental health issue such as depression or low self-esteem, he may crave the euphoric feeling of being drunk. Drinking becomes a way to cope with his negative emotions. When this is the case, it’s difficult to stop drinking without professional help.
Angi's Story
“I’ve been clean and sober since November 17, 2017. I’m so happy and grateful to be sober today because I have so much to live for. My children and grandchildren are so wonderful to be around. I’m looking forward to new and exciting opportunities.”
- Angi of Heroes in Recovery
How to Get Help Today
If you drink heavily to lower your inhibitions, we can help you get clean just like Angi B. Please call our toll-free, 24-hour helpline today for confidential, professional help at 760.548.4032. We can answer your questions and connect you with the best recovery resources available.
Drinking may make things feel better for a time, but if left untreated you risk losing everything you love. Don’t let that happen; call today and let us help you break free before it’s too late.
1 “Alcohol’s Effects On The Body.” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Accessed June 11, 2018.
2 "Alcohol Use.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed June 11, 2018.
3 “Alcohol and Public Health.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed June 11, 2018.