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Mixing Rohypnol with Alcohol

Rohypnol is the brand name of a high-impact sedative medication known as flunitrazepam. In many countries it is prescribed to induce deep sleep, but has never been approved for sale in the United States.

Rohypnol is in a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and is best known as the “date rape” drug. While some people choose to use this drug, it is often used in violent assault crimes, and is virtually tasteless and colorless. This drug is highly dangerous and it is illegal to possess Rohypnol in the United States.

Many people recognize this drug by the slang name “roofies”.

Other slang terms for Rohypnol include the following:

  • Ruffies
  • Roachies
  • Ruffin

  • Cosbys
  • Forget-me pill

Although anyone can abuse Rohypnol, it has become popular with high school and college students, in part because of its relatively low cost. It is often used at parties or raves and is frequently mixed with alcohol or other drugs.

The effects of Rohypnol can be intensified when it is mixed with alcohol. There is no way to predict how this combination will react in another person’s body, and combining roofies with alcohol can lead to a greater change of alcohol poisoning and death. This combination can lead to deadly auto accidents, unusual behavior, and other serious risks.

Combining Rohypnol with other substances is a dangerous and potentially fatal practice. Rohypnol is a central nervous system depressant, and combining it with alcohol or opiate drugs intensifies these effects. The overdose risk of Rohypnol is high and becomes even higher when other substances are used.


When Rohypnol Becomes Toxic

Rohypnol overdose symptoms include the following:

  • Excessive sedation
  • Loss of balance
  • Impairment of speech
  • Nausea and vomiting, with choking hazards
  • Headache

  • Hallucinations
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Depression of heart rate
  • Slowing of breathing
  • Coma

Amnesia and disinhibition are common effects of Rohypnol, and these, too, are intensified when the drug is combined with alcohol or other drugs. Rohypnol is known as the date rape drug, because it may be dropped in the drink of unsuspecting victims so they will be unable to resist or remember their assailants.

Those planning to commit robbery or other crimes may also use Rohypnol, with or without alcohol, because of its disinhibiting effects and because the amnesia produced makes police interrogations challenging. When Rohypnol and alcohol are combined, the memory loss may last 8 to 24 hours.

In addition to being combined with other sedative drugs to intensify their effects, Rohypnol may also be used by those who abuse stimulant drugs. It may be used to counteract side effects or withdrawal symptoms. When combined with amphetamines, Rohypnol may cause seizures or coma.

Find Help for Rohypnol Addiction

About Michael's HouseRohypnol is both physically and psychologically addictive. If you’re addicted to Rohypnol or suspect a loved one may be, give us a call at 760.548.4032 and let us connect you with recovery professionals who can help.

Our number is toll-free and available 24 hours a day. Don’t wait to get the treatment you need, take a step toward recovery now.